Possibilities for living with a French family are limited. The CIEF will do its best to ensure that all requests are satisfied but cannot give any guarantees.
The family provides accommodation as well as breakfast and dinner.
The daily rate is € 32
Each month is payable in advance.
N.B. The CIEF helps students by providing addresses and all necessary practical details but cannot in any way be responsible for the agreement between the student and the family to which it is not party.
Please fill in the enclosed registration form and send it to :
Centre International d’Études Françaises
Maison de l’Université
BP 87874
21078 DIJON CEDEX – France
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Possibilities for living with a French family are limited. The CIEF will do its best to ensure that all requests are satisfied but cannot give any guarantees.
The family provides accommodation as well as breakfast and dinner.
The daily rate is € 32
Each month is payable in advance.N.B. The CIEF helps students by providing addresses and all necessary practical details but cannot in any way be responsible for the agreement between the student and the family to which it is not party.
Please fill in the enclosed registration form and send it to :
Centre International d’Études Françaises
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Maison de l’Université
BP 87874
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