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Intensive academic in October/November and February/March

These are intensive courses and designed for non-native French speakers wishing to learn or improve their knowledge of French.

General organization

An orientation test on the first day of the session determines the level of each student who is then placed in the appropriate group. All classes begin on the second day. Classes take place from Monday to Friday on the campus of the University of Burgundy.

Organization of teaching

Number of hours: between 17 and 22 each week (depending on the level and the options followed). Tuition includes language classes and workshops, lectures on subjects of general cultural interest, and a variety of optional courses. Teaching is based on up-to-date language-learning methods and original documentary material bringing students into contact with French life and culture.


CIEF homeTel : (+33) 03-80-39-35-60cief@u-bourgogne fr…

See Also

Dates and Fees Registration…
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These are intensive courses and designed for non-native French speakers wishing to learn or improve their knowledge of French.

General organization

An orientation test on the first day of the session determines the level of each student who is then placed in the appropriate group. All classes begin on the second day. Classes take place from Monday to Friday on the campus of the University of Burgundy.

Organization of teaching

Number of hours: between 17 and 22 each week (depending on the level and the options followed). Tuition includes language classes and workshops, lectures on subjects of general cultural interest, and a variety of optional courses. Teaching is based on up-to-date language-learning methods and original documentary material bringing students into contact with French life and culture.

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